9 Symptoms In Men You’d Never Guess are Caused by Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid isn’t able to produce sufficient amounts of the thyroid hormone. A deficiency in this hormone can have negative impacts on one’s mental, physical, and emotional health, including a slowed metabolism, muscle soreness, and a decreased sex drive. Statistics show that hypothyroidism mainly affects women. In fact, 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with this life-long condition. But that doesn’t mean men aren’t affected too. While men and women typically share the same symptoms of hypothyroidism, there are a few that only men experience. It’s very important that men are made aware of the symptoms of hypothyroidism in order to avoid further damage to their health. If left untreated, these symptoms can lead to a myriad of other health problems. Keep reading to find out what symptoms indicate an under active thyroid and what to do if you’re experiencing them.

9 Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Men

1. Sore Muscles

Soreness in your muscles is a common symptom of hypothyroidism. However, it’s more commonly experienced by men than women. Most of these annoying aches and pains will be present around your upper arms and thighs. When you feel any muscle pain, aches, cramps, tenderness, or stiffness, (especially when unexplained and not due to intense physical exercise) don’t shrug it off, or it may delay the diagnosis of an underlying thyroid condition.

2. Fatigue

Do you find yourself feeling tired and sluggish throughout the day? Even if you received 6-8 hours of sleep the night before? Well, fatigue is yet another symptom that may be telling you that something is off with your thyroid. If you find that you lack energy throughout the day, don’t try and supplement it with unhealthy doses of caffeine. Instead, have your health care provider run some tests on your thyroid. You may find that your constant need for a nap isn’t caused by your lifestyle habits at all, but an uncontrollable force such as your thyroid. Along with fatigue, men may also experience a loss of motivation. This can often hinder their quality of life in that they find it difficult to complete every-day tasks. Don’t let your thyroid decide when is a good time

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3. Weight Gain and Weight Loss

Fluctuations in weight can be a source of frustration for many. If you find yourself unexpectedly gaining weight, despite your best efforts to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine, it may be due to a slow metabolism caused by an under active thyroid. The thyroid produces hormones that control your bodies metabolism. If your thyroid produces too much hormone, you’re likely to lose weight, while if your thyroid isn’t producing enough hormone, you’ll find it difficult to maintain a healthy weight without proper treatment.


4. Low Testosterone Levels

Abnormal thyroid conditions result in an imbalance of hormone levels which can often lead to low testosterone levels in men. Low testosterone levels can affect a man’s sperm count as well as cause changes in mood, muscle mass and the ability to get an erection. The excess amounts of estrogen in the body can also lead to a lack of energy, as well as tender and swollen breasts.

5. Change in Sex Drive

One of the most common thyroid symptoms in men to look out for is a change in sex drive. Low libido, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation can be symptoms of an underlying thyroid condition.

6. Anxiety and Depression

The imbalance of thyroid hormones in the body can cause panic attacks and anxiety in men. These panic attacks are often made worse by the accompanying symptom of fatigue, which can also lead to feelings of depression. As thyroid hormone levels continue to decrease, feelings of depression will often become more severe.

7. Hair Loss

Hair is an important way in which we express ourselves. We can alter our hair in ways that make us feel confident, attractive and represent our personal style. But this is difficult to do when you have little or no hair left. For hypothyroidism patients, hair loss is just another irritating symptom in a list of many. Typically, hair loss caused by an under active thyroid is more likely to occur in the eyebrows, but often causes thinning hair on the scalp. Managing our hormone production is the best way to combat these symptoms, especially when it comes to hair loss.

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8. High Cholesterol

If your cholesterol levels suddenly increase despite having no change in your diet, you should follow-up with your physician to have your thyroid checked. Hypothyroidism can cause your body to produce more fats than it can burn, leading to high cholesterol levels.

9. Brain Fog

You’re an intelligent and sharp person, but you’re finding it difficult to focus on simple tasks, or maintain your train of thought while having a conversation. You may have even found yourself in a situation where you have entered a particular room, can’t remember why, and leave only to remember 5 minutes later what you needed. So you make the journey again to that room to get…what was it again? That’s the kind of brain fog that an under active thyroid can cause, and it’s especially difficult to deal with. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms above, as well as brain fog, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating, it’s important that you have your thyroid checked as soon as possible. While the cognitive symptoms may be minor at first, if left untreated they can lead to major diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. With the right treatment, you can have your mental clarity back.

The Takeaway

While these symptoms may not seem like major cause for alarm, they can have life-altering implications if left untreated. If you experience any or all of these symptoms, it’s imperative that you have your thyroid tested by your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you begin treatment, the better your overall health will be.

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